
Pre-Independence Legislation Of Wakf In India

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Pre-Independence Legislation Of Wakf In India is a topic that deals with the history and development of the waqf system in India before the country gained independence from the British rule in 1947. Waqf is a concept of Islamic law that means the permanent dedication of a property for a re

Pre-Independence Legislation Of Wakf In India


Wakf is the religious or charitable dedication of property to god's ownership. The wakif is the individual who dedicates the property. Wakf can be cultivated through dedication or a will. Islam strongly supports and promotes a wide range of philanthropic and charitable endeavors and strongly endorses socioeconomic and welfare-friendly practices. The Shariah's Wakf (endowment) concept is regarded as an empirical example of this very proposition out of all of them. Wakf is said to have been first introduced by the Prophet himself, and its origins date back about 14 centuries.

The earliest known wakf in India can be traced back to the last years of the 12th century, when Muhammad ibn-Sam, one of the Ghurid Sultans, established a wakf in his name. Wakf is a practice that has been going on for hundreds of years in our history. there havebeen huge changes in the legitimate part of wakf over the course of the years particularly during the provincial time of our country?s history where the laws of legacy and strict regulations where changed for the solace of the English.

[2].Wakf assumes a vital part in Muslim social orders. It has been the fundamental hotspot for different public administrations gave to networks. Although it has historically been successful in generating sustainable income and lowering poverty rates in Muslim nations, it has been marginalized as merely a charity. Generally, the formation of Wakf is taught in Muslims? culture, and incorporated varying backgrounds. It has additionally added to the assistance of man in different areas of advancement.

However, Wakf's role has diminished over time, which raises a number of questions about the factors that contributed to Wakf's earlier growth and subsequent decline. A historical narrative of Wakf is presented in this review, highlighting the reasons for its decline and the need for change.

That's what the paper presumes assuming Muslims have great state run administrations that can deal with the assets are straightforward, reformulates the regulations overseeing Wakf, and plan a coordinated organization of sciences to screen issues and issues; They are able to realistically revive Wakf.

[3].History: Ancient civilizations used to Wakif their land and turn it into places of worship. In those days, the Wakf was not restricted to religious institutions; it was more than that, as one of the leaders of Nubia (Punut), during the rule of the fourth Ramesses, secured his property and made a Willed, that the income of that land is to be utilized for purchasing a calf consistently and forfeited to his spirit after his passing.

In the Roman period the public authority designated a community worker to supervise the execution of the Wakf and in the Jaahiliyyah, the Bedouins had places of love and sanctuaries where they put away what was presented as gifts then use it as a Wakf.

Wakf was created during the Prophet's (PBUH) lifetime. Whenever the Prophet (Pbuh) distinguished any need in his general public, he either satisfied it by making Wakf or urged his allies to satisfy it through the production of Wakf. Hence, Muslims knew about Wakf, andidolized it during the lifetime of the Prophet (Pbuh), on the grounds that the Prophet himself made numerous Wakf.

The requirement for monetary fortitude and social collaboration among Muslims arose in the early time of Islamic history, because of numerous necessities and requirements for the beginning Islamic state. The prophet and his buddies endeavored to track down a wellspring of cash to satisfy these necessities. The Quran's numerous verses urged Muslims to work together and depend on one another. The words of the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) to his companions.

He who has land ought to develop it, however on the off chance that he doesn't track down it conceivable to develop it, or gets himself vulnerable to do as such, he ought to loan it to his Muslim sibling, yet he shouldn't acknowledge lease from him. Perhaps of the best refrain that empowers spending in the method of Allah is what Allah additionally the beginning of wakf.

The previous Muslims rushed in giving the best they have, and pick the best foundation for building mosques and different offices.

[4].This is 'Umar (may Allah favor him) when he procured land in Khaybar, he came it to the Prophet (pbuh) and request that how manage it, the Prophet 8 (Pbuh) encouraged him to make it as a Wakf:
If you want, you can keep it the same and donate the money to charity. Indeed, Wakf was created by nearly all of the prophet's companions.

Al-Khasaf (1322), Muhammad Ibn Abd-Al-Rahman, and Sa'd ibn Zaraat, among others:
All of the companions of the Prophet of Allah; from individuals of Badr, outsiders (Muhajereen), and allies (Ansaar), have made Wakf from what they procure, its nor be deal, nor be acquired, Until Allah acquires everything of importance and everything upon it. In point of fact, the Caliphs' reign was the most charitable period in Islamic history after the Prophet's. Numerous Islamic Wakfs have had an impact on Islamic civilization in various fields.

During the time of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companion (Caliphate), the Wakf of the Islamic community met the needs of society, whether they were charity or the jihad required for Allah's sake. Since the second century AH, the creation of Wakf has varied to include social, scientific, and religious life. It started from the basic gift for a family to what is referred to throughout the entire existence of Wakf as a far reaching end that helps the Ummah.

According to Hamish (2008), the Wakf also played a significant role in the scientific and cultural accomplishments of Islamic nations.
These accomplishments are as per the following:
Knowledge dissemination, the construction of schools, mosques, public libraries, and Katateb to memorize the Holy Quran, as well as funding the upkeep of students.
Wakf of galactic labs, science research facilities, and instructive medical clinics; to show medication, nursing, and pharmacology.
The Wakf has likewise added to the protection of the standards of Islam and the progression of Islamic culture, as well as spreading Islam.
Forestall proselytized (the adversaries) from the mentally and annihilating Islamic hundreds of years
Wakf likewise arranges human existence, and raises the situation with poor people, reinforces the feeble, utilizes the jobless, and jam the existence of the penniless. It helps the Ummah grow, progress, and develop by funding important projects and scientific investigations.

Wakf is considered to be as old a phenomenon in India as Islam itself. However, there is no such recorded proof that might recommend precisely to the earliest Wakf deed in the country, a few researchers have endeavored to stick point the one with the assistance of verifiable order of Islamic landmarks recognized as the results of earliest Wakf deeds. Cizacka (2000: 169) in his undertaking to figure out the principal kept deed of Wakf in the nation takes note of that the earliest realized Wakf in India can be followed back to the last long periods of the twelfth century when Muhammad Ibn Sam, one of the Gaurid Sulatans, laid out a Wakf in his name.

[5].He does, however, completely fail to determine what kind of Wakf or establishment that was and where it stood in terms of accuracy. In 1985, Kozlowski 22) asserts that Ibn Sam's Wakf was intended to support the operation and upkeep of a mosque in Multan that is now part of Pakistan in his notes, giving a little more detail about the same narration.

Ahmad and Khan provide additional support for this story in their 1999: 32) with the additional dimensions of the related information, which indicate that the Ghaurid Sulatan performed the first known Wakf in the Indian subcontinent between 1185 and 1195, dedicating two properties to the Jama Masjid of Multan.

However, some scholars claim that Sultan Qutubuddin Aibak's famous monumental tomb, Qutub Minar, built in 1193 is one of the most likely earliest Wakf establishments in the subcontinent (Cizacka: 2000). In any case, as opposed to this case, hardly any history specialists fight that Qutub Minar was fabricated similarly as an indication of triumph over Hindu rulers and subsequently ought not be considered a result of Wakf (Sanjani: 2003).

Despite this contention, it is safe to infer that Qutub Minar was the mosque's minaret and is therefore included in the Wakf's corpus because a mosque was built at the same time as this one, the Quwatul Islam Mosque, at the foot of this minaret (Bansal: 2005). In addition, some historians believe that the Dargah of the well-known Sufi Sayed Salar Masud in the Baihraich district in the north-east of Uttar Pradesh is the first example of one that should be noted.

Significantly, Wakf in India tremendously created with the appearance and predominance of Muslim rulers in the nation and got extraordinary energy in Mughal time beginning from 1526 (Cizacka, 2000: 171). The Mughal emperors gave a lot of money to mosques, madras, Sufi shrines, graveyards, bridges, homeless shelters, and their religious scholars and sheikhs.

Altogether, recorded accounts exhibit that the greater part of the Mughal heads were too liberal as far as broadening their philanthropies for both the overall population government assistance and strict purposes the same (Ansari: 1974). Likewise, strikingly, it is trusted that in conceding blessings for a devout reason or to a strict researcher, they never turned to any kind of strict biasness or station doctrine related separations using any and all means Wakf throughout the entire existence of Indian sub-landmass.

They have relied on the inscriptions carved into one of the Dargah's doors, which state that it was built in 424 AH (Ahmad and Khan, 1999: 32-33). In any case, the validness of this guarantee is sketchy, as the entryway probably been exposed to change from that point forward a few times. Aside from these cases, truly, Muslims had begun visiting Indian-sub


Waqf is an original Islamic custom; Throughout the history of Islamic civilization, it has played significant roles in the development of religion, culture, and the economy of the society. The Muslim community benefited greatly from a large number of a wakf; nonetheless, because of an alternate verifiable reasons the job of Waqf as a helpful instrument for financial improvement has by and large been disregarded or/and frequently been neglected. As stated in this paper, it is undeniable that researchers can see how Waqf improved people's well-being in a variety of developmental areas; such as health care, education, and other services. Regardless, in current times, Waqf job has declined fundamentally.


1.Pre-Independence Legislation Of Wakf In India is available onhttps://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-5258-pre-independence-legislation-of-wakf-in-india-the-origin-and-development-.html (last visited on 4 jan 23:00)

2.relevancy of the report is available at https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/myview/waqf-act1995-a-tool-given-to-waqf-boards-to-snatch-the-property-of-hindus/ (last visited on 26 th dec 23:00)




6.concludion of Pre-Independence Legislation Of Wakf In India is available at https://indiafoundation.in/articles-and-commentaries/waqf-in-india-a-dangerous-anarchonism-in-a-secular-state/ (last visited on 23rd nov 2023 at 04:34)
