
Decree passed in favour of a dead person under Code of Civil Procedure

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Even if the lawsuit was dropped, the decree that was issued as a result of the suit would not be deemed to be one that lacked jurisdiction, and the executing court would not be permitted to refuse to execute the decree on the grounds that the plaintiff was not alive on the date that it was

conclusion Decree passed in favour of a dead person under Code of Civil Procedure


Decree issued in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure in favor of a deceased person Mohd Aqib Aslam | Views 12958 3 1 1 Blogger0 pocket2 Digg0 When the court proceeds with the case despite being unaware of the deceased person's death and issues a decree, that decree cannot be considered null and void. Despite the fact that it may be an incorrect decree, it must be overturned through appropriate means such as an appeal, revision, or review. A declaration, by and large, passed for a dead individual isn't a nullity, however a pronouncement passed against a dead individual can be interpreted as a nullity.

Even if the lawsuit was dropped, the decree that was issued as a result of the suit would not be deemed to be one that lacked jurisdiction, and the executing court would not be permitted to refuse to execute the decree on the grounds that the plaintiff was not alive on the date that it was issued in his favor.

Decree passed in favour of a dead person under Code of Civil Procedure

Capture and confinement in execution of a pronouncement:
One of the methods of executing orders is capture and detainment in common jail of the judgment-borrower.

Segments 55 to 59 and Rules 37 to 41 of Request 21 arrangement with capture and confinement of the judgment-account holder in common jail.

Segment 55 gives that a judgment borrower might be captured in execution of a declaration at any hour and on quickly, and will, when practicable, be brought under the watchful eye of the court, and his confinement might be in the common jail of the locale in which the court requesting the confinement is arrange, or where such polite jail doesn't manage the cost of reasonable convenience in whatever other spot which the State Government might choose for the detainment of people requested by the courts of such region to be kept, then again, actually:

[2].Procedure No dwelling house may be entered after sunset or before sunrise for the purpose of making an arrest under this section.
When the officer authorized to make the arrest has properly gained access to any dwelling, he may break open the door of any room in which he has reason to believe the judgment debtor is to be found. However, unless the dwelling is in the possession of the judgment debtor and he refuses or in any other way prevents access thereto, the outer door of the dwelling may not be broken open.
The officer authorized to make the arrest has the right to enter the room for the purpose of making the arrest if the room is actually occupied by a woman who is not the judgment debtor and who, in accordance with the customs of the country, does not appear in public. The officer must give the woman notice that she is at liberty to withdraw and give her reasonable facilities for withdrawing.

Where the declaration in execution of which a judgment debt holder is captured, is a pronouncement of the installment of cash and the judgment borrower pays how much the pronouncement and the expenses of the capture to the official capturing him, such official will on the double delivery him.

[3].The discretionary authority of the court to issue a Show Cause Notice to the judgment debtor to prevent their detention in prison is the subject of Order XXI Rule 37 of the Code of Civil Procedure. It gives that where an application is for the execution of a declaration for the installment of cash by the capture and confinement in the common jail of a judgment borrower who is obligated to be captured in compatibility of the application, the Court will, rather than giving a warrant for his capture, issue a notification calling upon him to show up under the watchful eye of the court on a day to be determined in the notification and show cause why he ought not be focused on the common jail.

Given that such notification will not be fundamental assuming the court is fulfilled by testimony, etc., that with the article or impact of postponing the execution of the announcement, the judgment indebted person is probably going to flee or leave the nearby furthest reaches of the locale of the court. Rule 37, subsection (2), stipulates that if the decree holder requests it, the court may issue a warrant for the arrest of the judgment debtor if the debtor fails to appear in accordance with the notice.

Section 55 of the Code of Civil Procedure also stipulates that when a judgment debtor is arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money and brought before the court, the court must inform him that he may apply to be declared an insolvent and that he may be discharged if he complies with the provisions of the law of insolvency that is currently in effect and has not committed any act of bad faith regarding the subject of the application.

Segment 56of the Code of Common Method gives that a lady will not be captured in execution of declaration in installment of cash.

The decree holder's payment of the judgment debtor's subsistence allowance is covered in Section 57 of the Code of Civil Procedure. It states that the State Government may establish graduated scales for this monthly allowance based on rank, race, and nationality.

[4].Time of Confinement
Area 58of the Code of Common Technique manages the time of confinement. As per it each individual confined in the common jail in execution of a pronouncement will be so kept:
Where the order calls for the payment of more than one thousand rupees over the course of not more than three months.
Where the order calls for the payment of more than five hundred rupees but not more than one thousand rupees, and only for a maximum of six weeks.

How to Get Out Of Detention Provided He Gets Out Of Detention Before the End of the Detention Period:
on the payment made to the officer in charge of the civil prison of the sum specified in the warrant for his detention.
On the declaration against him being generally completely fulfilled.
On the solicitation of individual on whose application he has been so kept.
In the event that the person for whom he was detained fails to pay the subsistence allowance, he will not be released from such detention under clauses (ii) or (iii) without a court order.


However, in the event that the court determines, through affidavit or otherwise, that the judgment debtor is likely to leave the local limits of the court's jurisdiction in order to delay the execution of the decree, such notice need not be given. Rule 37, subsection (2), stipulates that if the decree holder requests it, the court may issue a warrant for the arrest of the judgment debtor if the debtor fails to appear in accordance with the notice.


1.introduction of conclusion Decree passed in favour of a dead person under Code of Civil Procedure is available at https://indiankanoon.org/doc/59334854/#:~:text=It%20may%20no%20doubt%20be,be%20construed%20as%20a%20nullity. (last visited in 27nov 2023 at 09:09)

2.relavancy of the report is available at https://www.livelaw.in/high-court/madhya-pradesh-high-court/madhya-pradesh-high-court-decree-dead-person-nullity-execution-order-xxii-rule-4-cpc-228310 (last visited on 27th nov at 10:00)



5.ibid conclusion Decree passed in favour of a dead person under Code of Civil Procedure is available at https://main.sci.gov.in/jonew/judis/33910.pdf (last visited 22 nov 2023 at 4:00)
