
Child Rights During the Pandemic

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ASSN: 1754913

This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child rights in India. The introduction contextualizes the global crisis, emphasizing the disproportionate impact on children's rights and well-being. The multifaceted challenges faced by childr



The covid-19 pandemic, has suddenly disrupted the whole world. In a matter of few days this outbrust has created issues round the world, affecting not only businesses but also people of all age. But children have had a major impact of covid. There are many rights that the government enforced to help the younger age group to cope up with the situation that was hovering over the world. These rights include, access to healthcare, education, right to play or even protection from exploitation. The intersection of these rights serves as the cornerstone for a healthy and nurturing upbringing. The impact on children is enormous and varied, ranging from education and digital divide to increased risks of abuse and exploitation. The COVID-19 pandemic has devastating short, medium and long-term consequences for children and their rights.[1] It can also have a grave physical, emotional and psychological effect on children, especially in countries which have established mandatory stay-at-home, lockdown or confinement measures and for children in situations of vulnerability. [2]


Child rights in India have been severely harmed by the pandemic. Throughout the country, children have faced several problems, including redistricted access to school, healthcare, nutrition, and protection. Lockdown tactics adopted to limit the spread of the virus resulted schools and colleges to close which resulted in online form of education but that form is not the best to train a young mind.mThe pandemics long term effects on children is something to worry about as this young generation is the future of India. Their overall development has been harmed which includes their physical and mental health. They are stopped from going out explore the nature or meeting more people to enhance interaction skills as the lockdown was imposed. Similarly their nourishment is affected and also health as they cant not go to get their regular vaccines and immunization programs this disrupts the nourishment for the children increasing the risk of malnutrition and health consequences. Interruptions in immunization services could also spur outbreaks of diseases for which a vaccine already exists. [3]


The governments involvement in protecting childrens rights during the pandemic is crucial. The government is held accountable for safety, well-being of all children in the country. and the children are meant to be taken care of and looked after.


Challenges- the pandemics burden on Indias healthcare system has had a direct impact on childrens access to basic health services. Routine vaccinations maternity and child health programs all have been impacted.

Responses- efforts to adjust healthcare delivery paradigms have been attempted notably the increase of telemedicine services. Special vaccination efforts have been organised in order to reduce the impact on immunization schedules. Government made certain that children have access to basic rights such as routine check-ups, vaccines, treatments. They prioritized childrens health and well-being by providing them with medical treatment, including mental health support.


Challenges- with the schools closing down, it really hindered the education of children and with the growth of online education it was difficult for people in rural areas as they did not have the existing tools for the online learning. Not only in India but According to UNESCO, more than 1.5 billion students in 188 countries were out of school due to COVID-19 on April 8, representing over 91 percent of the worlds student population. [4]

Responses- programs such as PM eVIDYA have been developed to promote online learning and educational programming has been broadcast on televisions and radio channels to reach youngsters in rural areas. The government should bridge the digital gap by providing devices and internet access to those children especially in the rural areas.


Challenges- economic challenges cause by the pandemic have exacerbated family vulnerability, leading to an increase in child labour and exploitation. Due to school closures, many children now have few options for formal education. During this pandemic, many people have lost their jobs due to the lockdown imposed by the government. The vulnerable families and children could not access the support and could not help themselves in this matter. [5]

Responses- to aid vulnerable families, social welfare schemes and financial assistances programs have been developed. Child labour regulations are being strictly enforced, and awareness programs are undertaken to combat exploitative practices. Hotlines, internet reporting systems can be used to identify and handle situations of abuse and exploitation. Child protection services must remain attentive and accessible, with available hotlines.


Challenges- food instability has increased as a result of lockdown and economic downtowns, affecting children nutrition. Many people have been deprived of mid-day meals as a result of school closures, which were a vital source of nutrition.

Responses- The government introduced a scheme called, PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana to distribute increased food handouts. Implement programs that give economic assistance, food distribution to low-income families. Establish community kitchens or food banks in collaboration with local communities and organisation. A childs development requires adequate nutrition. Government and communities must take steps to ensure that children have access to nutritional food.


The pandemic had a huge impact on child rights in India. With children being impacted it is critical that the government to take actions on this matter and they did. There could be more certified steps to guarantee that children are safeguarded and their rights are honoured. Children are the foundation of our future and one needs to be very careful to protect the children's future as well as ours. The future of one nation is in the hands of the youth of today. Just because children are the minority but majority of our population are youngters. One can not only reduce the immediate impact of the crisis on children but also set the groundwork for a brighter and more inclusive future. So everyone should think about them and not exploit them or think of them as a burden or liability especially girls. Thinking that educating the boys is far more beneficial for them and sending the young girls to work is what will help their family then they are completely mistaken and this should not be the mindset.


[1] COVID-19 and children's rights, available at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/children/covid-19-and-childrens-rights, (last visited on December 24,2023).


[3] Protecting the most vulnerable children from the impact of coronavirus: An agenda for action, available at: https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/agenda-for-action (last visited on December 24,2023).

[4] COVID-19 and children's rights, available at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/children/covid-19-and-childrens-rights, (last visited on December 24,2023).

[5] Child Rights During the Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities, available at: https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-5540-child-rights-during-the-pandemic-challenges-and-opportunities.html(last visited on December 24,2023).
