
Laws and Policies for Protection of Interest of Children

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This paper delves into the critical domain of child protection in India, highlighting the importance of safeguarding the interests and well-being of children. The introduction emphasizes the global significance of child protection and its reflection in the diverse legal frameworks adopted

Laws And Policies for Protection of Interest of Children


In recent years, child protection has arisen as a major topic of debate. Children are seen as valuable national assets since the future of any nation is determined by their children. In the present times, protection of children from all kinds of exploitation and abuses has become the main objective of society.[1] Childrens rights laws and regulations vary by country. The well-being and safety of children is a top priority for countries all around the world. Recognizing childrens specific vulnerabilities, countries enact a wide range of laws and programs. The complexities of these standards show a dedication to providing circumstances that promote the growth, safety, and development in children.India has made significant progress in enacting legislation. There are many laws and regulation that have been mentioned, and these laws are needed and beneficial for the growth and safeness for children.

There are specific polices that protect childrens interests in India, and these policies seek to not only prevent these cases of abuse and neglect but also to help to give an inclusive and loving community in which every child can be healthy and happy and can grow at them at most potential without any trouble.In this paper we will talk about the legal framework like the news acts and everything in between that the government has done. And the key policies and the challenges and what all in future can one expect.


1.The juvenile justice (care and protection of children) act, 2015:

This focuses on the care and protection of children. Discusses matters of adoption and children in general which few separate religions-based laws address but as a whole.

2.The protection of children from sexual offences act, 2012:

This statute is intended to safeguard minors against sexual abuses and exploitation.

3.The right of children to free and compulsory education act, 2009:

This act is a very thoughtful act as it ensures that children get free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 years old. This helps their growth and prevent child labor in a way. As in rural areas the families would send off their kid to work so that there is more income in the house and their expense of education is not an issue for them.

4.The child labor (prohibition and regulation) act, 1986:

This act prohibits and makes it punishable for anyone to employ young children for labor.

5.The prohibition of child marriage act, 2006:

This act prohibits child marriage. As in many rural places in India child marriage is a practice and is not favorable for the child especially girls. This act ensures that the child is safe from such atrocities.


1.Legal reforms:

Strengthening the police reforms helps the children. Like the juvenile justice act has been amended to conform with international norms, stressing the rights and protection of children who are in trouble with the law.

2.Social and economic welfare policies:

There are different types of factors of a child wellbeing and all factors needs to be addressed differently. So, it is necessary to impalement social and economic welfare policies.Poor implementation of laws and lack of resources are major concerns. [2]

3.Behavior changes communication strategies:

Using behavior change communication tactics, one can tackle the social cultural issues and problems against children. Campaigns for public awareness and educational programs strive to shift attitudes and foster a cultural of nonviolence.

4.Health education and awareness:

Organizing health awareness programs and campaigns and educating people about child maltreatment is a very good step towards a more uniformed and safer environment for children.

5.National child labor project:[3]

This is Indias specialized project which targets to remove labor.The National Child Protection Policy in India recognizes children as equal right holders and gives the highest priority to their protection and well-being. India is also a signatory to various international conventions and protocols related to child rights and protection. [4]


The government has done quite a few thigs in order to protect the children and have aimed at their wellbeing and safeguarding them. The acts mention in the legal framework is what the government has don and it the 5 major laws that has helped the children from abuse. These laws addressed every aspect of like abuse, exploitation, labor, child marriage all of these are still prevalent but lesser compared to before. Fortunately, after these laws, all of these crimes have decreased, or else such atrocities were at the peak, and nothing was done against it as the children are minor and people took advantage of them.

In addition to this, the national child protection policy as mentioned above has also protected children. This policy has recognized children as important beings and that they too have rights. But despite these hardcore laws, these crimes are still happening, and it is still prevalent. For example, child marriage and child labor are still prevalent in some regions, despite being legally prohibited. [5]


Thus, in conclusion, the protection of childrens interest and their wellbeing is a very important topic, and every adult needs to be aware of this and work towards giving children a better life that they deserve just like how we adults deserve. By implementing these laws and following it through and through, this will help the children who are the leader of our future have a better life in a safer environment. It is evident that the Indian government has worked towards the welfare of the young children. But everything is not perfect and there are still gaps remaining and things that need to be done. The legal framework needs to recognize children as rights-holders. There have been several cases where the child sues their parents for right to own body and that children too can make decisions that they think will suit them best. Its not always true that the parents decisions are the best, sure they want the best but not always their decision is the best. Despite these advancements, there are still problems that are unresolved, but the Indian government is working towards it and surely in the upcoming years India would be a great place for young children.


[1]Laws and Policies for Protection of Interest of Children: A Critical Analysis, available at:https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-346-laws-and-policies-for-protection-of-interest-of-children-a-critical-analysis.html(last visited on December 27, 2023).

[2]Achievements and Challenges in Legal Protection for Child Rights, available at:https://academic.oup.com/book/10131/chapter-abstract/157637973?login=falseredirectedFrom=fulltext(last visited on December 28,2023).

[3] Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development National Child Protection Policy, available at:https://wcd.nic.in/sites/default/files/Download%20File_1.pdf(last visited on December 28,2023).


[5]A beginners guide to child protection, available at :https://miraclefoundationindia.in/a-beginners-guide-to-child-protection/(last visited on December 228,2023).
