
Role Of Online Education In Current Scenario For Any University

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the article is on role of online education in current scenario for any university

Role of online education in the current scenario for any university

1) Introduction

We live in a country where diversity is the norm. Such diversity can be observed in the field of education as well, from physical classrooms to open and distance learning to the latest norm of e-learning or online education. Education is simply gaining knowledge and skills from one generation to the next. Any and every experience one has is educational in some way. But the modern world demands modern education. The rise of technology has brought a shift in approach to education. Universities around the globe are increasingly opting for online education, in order to respond to the evolving requirements and equip students with the demands of an interconnected world and are also obligated to do so. This transition is not just the adoption of a temporary method but rather a taste of what online education has to offer.

This article analyses the role of online education in todays world for universities.

2) Concept of online education

Education has used various methodologies before adopting the online method. Ancient education included teaching in gurukuls without any aids focusing on Moral life lessons. Then came traditional education, where education evolved from open spaces to classrooms and books and blackboards. But with the advent of technology and economy, blackboards were replaced by whiteboards and projectors along with the usage of audiovisuals, PowerPoints, etc. With the hit of the Covid19 pandemic, online education became a necessity, where classrooms were replaced by laptops whereby teaching was done through online meetings, and tablets and other electronic devices took over notebooks and pens.

Online teaching is a form of education that aims to make students understand concepts better in an interesting manner. Such education heavily depends on the Internet. The quality of online learning is associated with [2]

Interactive and collaborative relationships between teachers and students

A student-centered and constructive approach

Providing student support

E-learning does not simply mean uploading assignments, teaching through video conferences, and remote learning, but it requires a rethinking and reshaping of the teaching/learning pedagogy. The teacher and the students are under a lot of pressure, and creating a learning environment is a difficult task.[3] In fact, according to UNESCO, close to half the worlds students are still affected by partial/full school closures.

3) Advantages of online education

One of the biggest advantages of this would be that it is accessible to all and breaks the geographical barrier. One can study from universities across the world from different time zones and not have to be physically present there, away from home and family.

Online education is also a cost-effective alternative as the digital resources are all available on the internet free of cost. From books to explanations to videos, mostly can be accessed without paying anything for them. Even the universities save a lot by eliminating the cost of hostels and other expenses associated with physical campuses.

Flexibility of accessing and learning at ones own pace is yet another benefit, especially for students who are working or have other commitments. Online education allows them to balance personal and professional duties.

It also allows for students to learn, interact, and engage with international students, widening their experiences and understanding of the world.

By incorporating the latest technologies into education, not only is the university improving its reputation but also it ensures that students who graduate are updated with the latest skills and technology required for their future.

4) Challenges

It is also crucial for one to understand the challenges associated with online education to understand its role.

The long screen time has proved to be a health hazard for the universities and professors teaching them as well.

The technology required to avail online education is not available to all. Issues like internet connectivity arise quite often in smaller towns and cities.

The lack of interaction with peers and feeling of isolation affects the students social skills thus hindering personality development.

The quality of education is also affected and hence the universities are required to enhance their method of teaching and include the best practices to deliver high-quality learning.

The greater concern, nonetheless, at the forefront of everyone's thoughts is the impact of the ailment on the work rate as late alumni in India are dreading the withdrawal of propositions for employment from corporates because of the present circumstances. The Center for Monitoring Indian Economy's assessments on joblessness shot up from 8.4% in mid-March to 23% toward the beginning of April and the urban joblessness rate to 30.9%.[4]

5) Future of online education in universities

This form of education is only evolving and hence can face several new complexities in the future. For this, we require a multi-face approach that can create a strong training framework for the long run.

For starters, we need an open-source learning arrangement where educators can direct how the web works. Advancements in artificial intelligence will help universities to cater to and form a personalized tutoring system. Hence, personalization of education is also something that must be focused upon. But at the same time, universities will also face the problem of over-dependency of students on AI. Moreover, it is likely that in the future, hybrid education to become a norm, wherein universities will be required to formulate a plan where there is a balance and flexibility between face-to-face interactions and online training. Adding on, with the increasing globalization, universities need to facilitate global partnerships with other universities to offer diverse perspectives and resources to students, where students can also opt for joint degrees. Lastly, the everchanging technologies also require universities to be on their toes to include the latest technology like AI, blockchain, etc in their curriculum and to equip their faculty with such changes, to deliver the best content. Furthermore, research shows that students retain 25-60% more material on average in an eLearning environment as compared to a traditional classroom where they only retain 8-10% and this may be due to the ease of access and the user-friendliness offered by the eLearning platform. However, the effectiveness will vary from person to person as it is a service that can only be beneficial to you on how you make use of it, since the concentration in students is rapidly decreasing, it is essential to keep the video lectures short, with some activities or quizzes, or a video conference to keep the student interactive during the eLearning module.[5]

6) Conclusion

While online education did become a necessity at the time of the pandemic, it is not anymore, and hence we need to find a balance between online education and offline. Because it affects students mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically. Attending classes, making friends that are probably going to stay for life, enjoying with your friends, eagerly waiting for the lunch break, annual functions, etc. are all part of the beauty of offline education and an important aspect of personality development, which one shouldnt miss out. The rapidly changing world demands the skill of learning, unlearning, and relearning. While online education can help with this, there is a lot it misses out. Hence, as we move forward and online education gives a new meaning to universities, the universities need to maintain their essence and of education.


1) Anil K Goyal, Surbhi Malhotra, Role of Online Education In Modern Education System, Research Gate, available at (PDF) Role of Online Education in Modern Education System (researchgate.net) (last visited 29 December 2023).

2) Anil K Goyal, Surbhi Malhotra, Role of Online Education In Modern Education System, Research Gate, available at (PDF) Role of Online Education in Modern Education System (researchgate.net) (last visited 29 December 2023).

3) Pankit Gami, The Significance of Online Education in Todays Universities, Knovator, available at The Significance of Online Education in Today's Universities (knovator.com) (last visited 29 December 2023).

4) Gunjan, Role of Online Education in Current Scenario for any University, Legal Service India- e-Journal, available at Role Of Online Education In Current Scenario For Any University (legalserviceindia.com) (last visited 29 December 2023).

5) Pankit Gami, The Significance of Online Education in Todays Universities, Knovator, available at The Significance of Online Education in Today's Universities (knovator.com) (last visited 29 December 2023).
