
The Concept of Possession- its meaning, elements, kinds and modes of acquisition

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Article on the concept of Possession


1. Introduction

Possession can have various implications in light of the setting it is being used. It can be looked at from the legal, philosophical, psychological, relationship, and sports perspectives. For instance, it can allude to actual command over property or products in lawful terms, while psychologically, it tends to be connected to a feeling of pride and connection to specific items. Possession, in the traditional press as well as in social and strict convictions, is viewed as an individual being taken over by spirits.

In any case, in this article, we will focus on the legitimate point of view of ownership.

2. Types of Possessions

According to a legitimate point of view, Possession is key to property regulation and criminal regulation. It refers to the actual control and inheritance of property or merchandise. The overall set of laws recognizes two kinds of ownership: Actual possession and constructive possession.

A. Actual Possession:

Actual Possession is the point at which an individual has actual command over an item or property. This can be immediate actual contact or control, like residing in a house. Actual possession is an important factor in determining guilt in cases involving theft or drugs.

B. Constructive Possession:

Constructive Possession is a legitimate hypothesis that expands ownership past actual control. It is perceived that an individual has the legitimate right to control an item or property, regardless of whether they have direct actual contact with it under this kind of ownership. For instance, on the off chance that somebody has the way into a storage unit containing unlawful substances, they are lawfully possessing those substances.

3. Ownership as a Lawful Component:

In the context of the law, possession frequently plays a significant role:

Law of Property: Under property regulation, ownership is frequently considered as proof of possession. Adverse possession is a lawful principle inside which an individual who straightforwardly involves and utilizes another person's property for a specific period might acquire specific legitimate privileges to it.

Criminal Regulation: Possession is a basic component in criminal cases including controlled substances, stolen property, weapons, and other unlawful things. For instance, an individual found possessing illegal drugs might have to deal with penalties connected with drug possession.

Trespassing: Possession can be applied in such cases, where people might be charged for being on another person's property without their consent.

4. Elements of possession

Possession includes various components that decide and characterize it. These components might change based on the jurisdiction and lawful setting, yet a few similar components are found all over including the following:

A. Physical Control:

Possession is fundamentally based on physical controlholding, touching, or controlling a tangible object or property. A person is said to be in actual possession of an item if they have physical control over it.

B. Intent to Possess:

It must be the intention of the individual exercising physical control over the object. Intentions can be essential in different lawful settings, like instances of medication ownership or burglary. For instance, assuming that somebody unintentionally gets a thing yet in no way wants to keep it, they may not be considered in possession.

C. Knowledge of Possession:

In numerous legal systems, the individual should know that they have actual command over the thing for ownership to be laid out. Information on belonging is fundamental, particularly in cases including controlled substances or stolen property.

D. Ability to Control:

In addition to physical control, possession implies the capacity to exert control over the object. The authority to use, transfer, or dispose of the property is included in this. For instance, having a key to a storage unit containing unlawful things lays out the capacity to control, regardless of whether the individual isn't truly present right now. [1]

5. Modes of Acquisition

The acquisition of property can be achieved through different techniques. Possession, for example, refers to the actual control and care of a property, which is for the most part thought to be at first sight proof of proprietorship. Nonetheless, the possession and ownership of a property can be unmistakable, as when just incomplete ownership of the property is moved to one more party through an agreement. On the off chance that the property has a place with nobody, the person who initially expects ownership of it turns into its original owner. At the point when an individual secures ownership of property currently under somebody's possession, they accept the title of the property, making them the holder of it against each outsider on the planet.

By prescription, which refers to the effect of time on the creation or destruction of rights, the property can also be acquired. Positive acquisitive prescription refers to the development of a right by the passing of time, for example, the option to proceed accomplished by proceeding with utilization of it for a period recommended by regulation. The negative solution refers to the destruction of a right by the passing of time.

One of the most widely recognized techniques for getting property is through an agreement, which commonly includes a conventional agreement between a purchaser and a dealer for the trading of property regarding something of identical worth. The parties are obligated to adhere to the terms of the agreement when the possession, or title deed, of the property, is transferred in part or in full through such an agreement. When the transfer of property is done without any consideration in return, it is referred to as a gift.

Inheritance is one more technique for obtaining property. it refers to the progression of property among individuals from a family, either while the owner of the property is as yet alive or after their passing, in which case, the property of the departed individual will automatically devolve to their main beneficiaries as per their will or intestacy regulations.

Finally, one can gain property through a gift, which is an instrument through which the property of an individual is moved through consent to someone else without any consideration in return. Any gift that isn't made with free assent, or endowment of future property, or made with thought, is viewed as void. A gift should satisfy explicit fundamentals to be thought of as substantial, for example, being genuine property, having genuine ownership, being made with free consent, and without any consideration. Sections 122-129 of the 1882 Transfer of Property Act address issues about the gift of property. [2]

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, possession has various implications in various settings. From a legal point of view, it includes actual and constructive elements and is significant in property and criminal law. Key components incorporate physical control, Intent, Knowledge, and the ability to control. Individuals can secure property in various ways, like purchase, gift, inheritance, occupation, creation, adverse possession, and prescription. Possession is a complex and nuanced idea with significant implications for lawful results and property privileges, and understanding its different aspects is significant.

7. References

1. Possession in Law | Right, Types Examples, Study.com, Available at: https://study.com/academy/lesson/possession-overview-facts-law.html#:~:text=The%20elements%20of%20possession%20are,as%20maintain%20control%20over%20it (last visited on 11 January 2024)

2. Kumar, Joshi. Theories And Modes Of Acquisition Of Property, Legal Services India, Available at: https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-8460-theories-and-modes-of-acquisition-of-property.html (last visited on 11 January 2024)
