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Prisons are now referred to as correctional houses rather than being places of
punishment. People who come here after committing an offence and going through
a trial frequently wait for their conviction, which frequently occurs after a sizable
amount of time.

By Nandini Ladha
Prisons are now referred to as correctional houses rather than being places of
punishment. People who come here after committing an offence and going through
a trial frequently wait for their conviction, which frequently occurs after a sizable
amount of time. The offender is intended to use this time to learn various skills that
will help him change from an unorganised, troubled person with criminal
tendencies to a rational person who is filled with guilt and is getting ready to start
over. According to the rules of the Indian Jail Manual; in India the prisoners are
given chance to participate in the activities of the prison, they are paid minimal
amount to wages of their work. With the help of this, the prisoners are motivated to
do the work and fulfil the needs of their family being in the prison. The common
forms of treatment services offered by rehabilitation programmes include cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT) or CBT-like components (thinking skills, relapse
prevention, or anger management); group work (organised by protocol or
psychoeducational content); counselling; and CBT (group, individual, mentoring),
To rehabilitate the prisoner, a proactive strategy is used. His mentality is
investigated, and he is also given therapy interventions to control his emotions and
enhance his mental health. Many prisons in India teach yoga and meditation.
Encouraging the prisoners to take responsibility for their mistakes and start over.
each of these programmes, methods are successful while the person is still behind
bars. what takes place next. Despite being a subject that provokes contemplation, it
sits inactive in one of the pockets of the criminal justice system. The criminal
justice system places less emphasis on rehabilitation because its focus is on
reforming offenders while they are incarcerated. It is decided in favour of the
community#39;s safety and security. However, rehabilitation is crucial. The prisoner
enters a new chapter in his life when he leaves the locked gates of the unprotected
world, which presents him with fresh problems and gives him the choice to adapt.
Returning a prisoner to the free community indicates a serious shortage of services
that could help the offender become a useful member of the community. The issue
of re-entry into society is difficult for the society to handle community. This

discord shows a lack of cooperation between the many parts of the criminal justice
system. Inmates released after serving their sentences without a person on parole
who lacks family support struggles with rehabilitation. The criminal justice system
works to ensure community safety while rehabilitating. The offender placing equal
emphasis on acquiring self-control and enhancing his ability to comply with the
law as a means of achieving his aims. Additionally, rehabilitation makes ensuring
that prisoners are socially capable. To determine whether they have any physical or
mental conditions that contributed to their incarceration in the first place,
psychological evaluations are administered. If the prisoners are prepared and eager
to receive. After receiving counselling and being evaluated, many of them can
rejoin society as generally well-balanced people. Criminal justice reform has
numerous advantageous effects the lives of numerous prisoners and their families.
It can aid with broader social challenges as well.
1. DISCUSSION � Criminologists have been debating for years whether
criminal justice reform programmes assist juvenile and adult criminals in
reintegrating into society. When Murton and his colleagues determined that
quot;nothing worksquot; after evaluating several treatment approaches, they were
expressing a gloomy viewpoint. He called rehabilitation a grey area in the
criminal justice system. According to Watson, society must choose between
releasing those who have undergone rehabilitation and will go on to
contribute to the general welfare and releasing those who will be treated
brutally, turning them into mean, bitter animals, and releasing them back
into society to cause mayhem. According to him, many ignorant and
unsympathetic people tend to favour harsh, draconian punishments. They
disregard the historical lessons and unwittingly encourage doing the same
errors again. They would completely abandon rehabilitation and house
prisoners in the worst possible conditions. It would make sense that
rehabilitation would better suit society#39;s interests.
2. CONSTRAINTS OF REHABILATION � The common misconception that
convicts are a terrible lot who always will be and should be treated as such
persists in the public psyche. Therefore, incarceration is ineffective. He is
not the only one going through this; there are many others who do not find
relief from their misery. Stanford maintains that if the jail is effective,
individuals who have completed their sentences ought to be prepared to

reintegrate into society. To their dismay, they discover as their court-
appointed release date draws closer that reintegration into society is still a
long way off. The good news about the advancements achieved in London#39;s
prisons is that, as in any other nation, the young people are engaging in
positive activities like education, hygiene, and spiritual upliftment to help
them change their ways. When the same convicts are rigorously scrutinised
for parole or probation to demonstrate, in other words, that the prison works
here, then comes the paradoxical attitude of the government that is at odds
with the entire process, and the inmate continues to stutter in the jail. Any
prisoner who has had so much removed from him in a split second finds it
difficult to laugh and enjoy life in prison.
a) Public Response
b) Sentencing Policy
c) Prison Management
d) The criminal behaviour of offender

If they incorporate tried-and-true methods and are targeted at offenders,
rehabilitation programmes reduce recidivism. According to research, those who are
convicted of a felony and obtain a high school education while doing their time are
more likely to find employment once they are released. The idea of rehabilitation
rather than punishment when dealing with convicts is gaining ground all around
the world. Penitentiaries all around the world are working to alter things by giving
prisoners options while they are doing their time, making it easier for them to
reintegrate into society and once again be engaged and happy members of their
communities. The goal of prison management is the reformation and rehabilitation
of offenders. Many States/UTs have been pursuing a few measures in the area of
prisoner care and rehabilitation in order to achieve this goal, under the direction
and control of the Central Government.
