
Criminal Politics Nexus

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The following article throws light on the deep rooted link between crime and politics which stands in the way of growth of democratic ideals in a country with special reference to India.

  1. Introduction to the World of Crime and Politics

There is a long standing tie between crime and politics in many nation states across the globe, especially in the less developed countries. Several reports have claimed that there is an active role of crime in the outcome of the democratic processes in these countries. Organized crime groups develop collaborative relationships with state authorities to access and exploit the political, economic and social apparatus of the state. It stands as a blockage to pursuing the lofty ideals of a democratic country. The complex level of these crimes and the professional reach of those involved in these crimes, have made them all powerful non-state factors to influence and run the countrys vital policy.

  1. Criminalization of Politics in India

In the case of India, the idea was well confirmed by the Vohra Committee Report in the year 1993, which discovered a concrete link of criminal networks between politicians, bureaucrats and media persons1. The nexus has exacerbated ever since and become more prevalent in recent years. The influential power clout created, not only stands parallel to legitimate state power but also influences the policy-making decisions of the state and ultimately law making in a country. To elaborate the fact, data by the Association of Democratic Reforms reveals the number of candidates with criminal charges getting elected to Parliament has been on the rise since 2004. The number of Parliamentarians with pending criminal cases has risen from 24% in 2004 to 43% in 20192.

The criminal charges framed against the favorable candidates of various political parties, are not taken into account by the political parties hence giving these people free hand to continue their game of politics with the involvement of crime in it. One of the most cited reasons is that the probability of the candidate winning the elections is high. 28.4% of the winners had pending criminal cases against them, according to the Background Papers on Electoral Reforms, which further argues that candidates with criminal backgrounds fare much better in Indian elections with 23% of candidates with criminal records winning the election3.

  1. Reasons for the entry of Crime into the arena of Politics

The society today is divided on the basis of caste, religion, community, ethnicity, gender, ideology in politics etc. hence the space for crime dominating the world of politics. The political parties are reluctant to bring in progressive changes as these identities, coupled with money, muscle power and dynastic background and its associated social status, influence peoples perception in the elections. This defeats the very purpose of elections in the country serving as a mandate of the people. The elections which serve as a transformative tool to bring changes in the social system of the country become corrupted by these particular individuals who hold the power of wealth, assets and a criminal background.

The political parties fall prey to such criminalization of politics due to their weak internal democratic structure and in instances when the party's on losing ground. The parties need to restructure their working and stop offering tickets to candidates who share a criminal background to their name. An urgent need is to amend the Representation of People Act, 1951 so that the Election Commission of India is strengthened to regulate the actions of political parties especially emphasizing on the scrutiny of the candidates application. The court of law needs to once start giving directions rather than just leaving it to the hands of the Parliament to decide.

  1. Conclusion

The unwillingness of the Parliament to enact laws concerning this issue and of the Supreme Court to enter into the domain of the Parliament leaves the issue to the hands of the people of this country. Hence the matter calls for a conscious citizenship and it is on the voters to decide the welfare of the people of this country and its commitment to the Constitution of India. The nexus between crime and politics is detrimental to the health of a democracy and it demands an immediate process of removal. Stuck within the gambit of the hegemonic politics of freebies has kept the voter within the ambit of the political business cycle. The solution to the criminalization of politics lies in building the consciousness of We the Citizens from the We the People

  1. Endnotes


2. Editor, Crime and Politics, Shillong Times, Association for Democratic Reforms, (2022),



4. Rupkatha Bhattacharyya, Nexus between Crime and Politics: A Study with Reference to Electoral Candidature, North Bengal University, IJLJ - Vol. 11 No. 1 (Part I), (2020),


5. Nayakara Veeresha, Nexus between crime and politics, Deccan Herald, (February 2022), https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/nexus-between-crime-and-politics-1085739.html

27, (December, 2010) .
