
Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere - SLP In India

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This article delves into the profound synergy between the notion of justice and the mechanism of SLPs in India, shedding light on their pivotal role in ensuring equitable legal recourse for all.

1.Injustice Threatens All: SLP India

In the intricate tapestry of a just society, the resounding principle that "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" holds timeless significance, reflecting an enduring commitment to fairness and equity. Within the labyrinthine contours of India's legal landscape, the institution of Special Leave Petitions (SLP) emerges as a powerful testament to the nation's dedication to rectifying injustices and upholding the sanctity of justice.Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) serve as a crucial legal conduit to India's apex court, providing a unique mechanism for citizens to seek review of perceived injustices in a diverse and complex legal landscape. Acting as a bridge between individuals and the highest echelons of the judiciary, SLPs enable redressal and rectification of legal imbalances. The discretionary jurisdiction exercised by the Supreme Court through SLPs plays a profound role in fostering a legal environment where justice is not only dispensed but also perceived to be done. These petitions symbolize a commitment to an inclusive society, upholding principles of fairness and equity. In their nuanced interplay within the broader canvas of justice, SLPs significantly contribute to maintaining the integrity of India's legal system, exemplifying the nation's responsiveness to evolving legal needs for a just and inclusive society.

1.1 Contextualizing Justice: The Significance of Injustice Anywhere

The words of Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently capture the essence of justice's ubiquitous nature. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,"[1] serves as a poignant reminder that the perturbations of injustice resonate far beyond their immediate locus, permeating the very essence of societal equilibrium. In the Indian context, this maxim finds resonance in the fundamental ethos of the legal system, advocating for the elimination of any form of injustice, regardless of its scale or manifestation. It underscores the imperative for legal mechanisms that serve as bulwarks against inequality, unreasonableness, and arbitrariness, thereby safeguarding justice in its entirety.

2. Special Leave Petitions (SLP) in India: A Prism of Legal Redressal

Special Leave Petitions hold a unique position within the realm of the Indian judiciary. As a mechanism to seek redressal at the apex judicial echelon, SLPs serve as a potent instrument to rectify miscarriages of justice and confront legal anomalies. The provision for SLPs, enshrined in Article 136 of the Constitution of India,[2] empowers the Supreme Court to grant special leave to appeal against any judgment, decree, determination, sentence, or order in any cause or matter.

2.2 Ensuring Equitable Access to Justice

The accessibility and inclusivity offered by the SLP framework harmonize with the expansive canvas of justice envisaged in the Indian legal framework. SLPs liberate litigants from the constraints of hierarchical judicial determinations, promoting a democratic ethos of legal recourse that transcends conventional constraints. This democratization of justice, resonant with the overarching philosophy of equitable redressal, corroborates the intrinsic linkage between justice and the SLP mechanism.

2.3 Upholding Judicial Integrity and Constitutional Principles

The invocation of SLPs in the pursuit of justice represents a conscientious commitment to preserving the sanctity of the constitutional ethos and the overarching principles of justice. By engaging with SLPs, the Supreme Court of India assumes the onerous responsibility of safeguarding constitutional precepts and ensuring the just and equitable application of the law[3].This symbiotic relationship between SLPs and justice is predicated on the premise that the former serves as a sentinel of justice, guarding against the encroachments of injustice anywhere within the legal fabric.

2.4 Mitigating Legal Anomalies and Ensuring Adjudicatory Cohesion

Special Leave Petitions (SLPs), functioning as potent instruments of judicial review, play a pivotal role in addressing legal anomalies, rectifying judicial errors, and promoting adjudicatory cohesion within the legal framework. The corollary of "injustice anywhere" becomes evident in the subtle gaps of legal discrepancies and miscarriages. SLPs, operating within these interstices, emerge as a powerful mechanism to redress systemic incongruities and infirmities. By doing so, they fortify the edifice of justice, acting as a safeguard against the percolation of injustice across the legal spectrum.These petitions serve as a critical check against the potential erosion of justice by providing a channel for aggrieved parties to seek recourse and corrective action. In navigating the intricacies of legal intricacies, SLPs function as a dynamic force, contributing to the resilience of the judicial system. Their role extends beyond individual cases, influencing the legal landscape by ensuring that the principles of fairness and equity are upheld. In essence, SLPs become instrumental in upholding the integrity of the legal system, embodying the proactive pursuit of justice and the prevention of systemic injustices from taking root.

2.5 Interplay of Injustice and Justice: Case Law and Precedential Imperatives

The interplay between injustice and justice finds vivid manifestation within the annals of judicial pronouncements, judicious precedents, and intersectional jurisprudence. Notable SLP cases in India such as Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India3 have underscored the interventional potential of SLPs in rectifying executive excesses, bolstering individual liberties, and fostering judicial review to preclude overarching injustices. These landmark cases exemplify the symbiotic relationship between individualized injustices and the overarching purview of justice within the realm of SLP[4] adjudication.


In thecomplex fabric of India's legal ethos, the profound sentiment embedded in the quote "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere[5]" resonates with amplified significance within the prism of Special Leave Petitions (SLPs). These petitions, serving as a reciprocal interplay between justice and injustice, form a foundational element of India's legal architecture. The efficacy of SLPs is grounded in the crucible of rectitude and judiciousness, reflecting a commitment to uphold the principles of justice in the face of potential injustices. As India's legal fabric continually evolves, the role of SLPs emerges as a vanguard against injustices. Positioned as a conduit within the legal system,[6] SLPs function as a bulwark, striving to fortify the citadel of justice and uphold the sanctity of the legal order. By providing a mechanism for individuals to seek review and redressal, SLPs become instrumental in preventing the percolation of injustice, embodying a proactive pursuit of justice.The reciprocal interplay of justice and injustice, inherent in the operation of SLPs, underscores their significance in maintaining the equilibrium of the legal system. In doing so, these petitions contribute to the resilience and adaptability of India's legal framework, ensuring that the principles of fairness and equity remain steadfast in the pursuit of justice. In essence, SLPs stand as a testament to the nation's commitment to a legal order where the threat of injustice is met with a resolute defense of justice everywhere.


1. Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 16 April 1963.

2. Constitution of India, art. 136.

3. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, AIR 1978, SC 597.

4. Upendra Baxi, "Special Leave to Petition: Wresting the Initiative from Supreme Court," Economic and Political Weekly 60, no. 31 (2017): 31-35.

5. Kuldip Kapoor, "Expanding the Horizon of Special Leave Petitions: A Judicial Perspective," Supreme Court Journal 45, no. 2 (2019): 78-89.

6. V. N. Pillai, "Constitutional Imperatives and the Dynamics of Special Leave Petitions," Journal of Indian Law 32, no. 3 (2018): 215-228.

7. "Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat to Justice Everywhere: Exploring the Interplay of Legal Maxim in Special Leave Petitions," Indian Legal Review 55, no. 4 (2022): 482-497.
