
AI is Set to Transform Indias Healthcare

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AI has the potential to completely transform healthcare in India by improving patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. AI applications improve accuracy and efficiency by streamlining medical procedures. Large-scale datasets are analyzed by machine learning algorithms to provide individualize.



Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are advancing quickly in India's healthcare
industry. Promising artificial intelligence (AI) solutions are being introduced by numerous
new Indian startups and global technology giants like Microsoft, Google, and Siemens to
meet the nation's expanding healthcare demands.

India's healthcare system is typified by low government spending, inadequate infrastructure,
a shortage of qualified physicians, and distribution disparities. Therefore, the nation with a
population of over a billion people who own smartphones and internet access offers
exceptional potential for the development of scalable and sustainable healthcare
technologies. The industry is gradually seeing significant growth and investments from the
public and private sectors thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and related cutting-edge
technologies in recent years.

With this context in mind, NASSCOM's most recent report delves deeply to comprehend and
respond to a number of crucial questions, including the difficulties the industry faces, the
effects of the ongoing pandemic on the industry, potential AI opportunities throughout the
healthcare value chain, and how it can revolutionize the entire healthcare sector in India.

2.Push For Faster Inclusion Of AI

Global analysts predict that India's unsustainable patient-to-doctor ratio will accelerate the
integration of AI and Deep Learning (DL) into the nation's current diagnosis and treatment

A 2017 Accenture analysis predicted that by 2035, artificial intelligence (AI) might boost
India's GDP by around US$1 trillion, or 15% of its present gross value added. Up to sixteen
Indian medical IT firms got international funding in the third quarter of 2017.

By 2020, the Karnataka government intends to raise Rs. 2,000 crores to support AI startups
at the state level. Prominent national players like the PMO and FICCI are also advocating
for a quicker AI integration into Indian healthcare.

3.Innovative Medical AI Solutions in India

Big businesses and start-ups are vying for a head start in India's growing medical AI solutions
industry. A variety of AI products are available from Siemens Healthineers with the goal of
meeting patient needs while standardizing and automating complex diagnostic procedures.
Microsoft and Apollo Hospitals have announced their collaboration to create an AI-focused
cardiology network. Additionally, Microsoft is growing its current AI network to provide eye
care in India. According to Dr Peter Lee, vice president of AI and research at the company,
Microsoft will employ AI models to forecast patients' risks of heart disease and assist doctors
in developing individualized treatment regimens.

AI is being used by Bengaluru-based startup NIRAMAI, which has received funding from
Flipkart co-founder Binny Bansal, to develop precise, easy-to-use, and reasonably priced
breast cancer screening tests.

AI is being used by Max Healthcare, a well-known hospital chain in North India, to track
critical care. The company claims that the technology has already optimized the use of ICU
beds and reduced critical care costs by approximately thirty percent
Pune-based Live Health is using AI to process millions of ERP transactions and medical
records; the company recently raised $1.1 million in seed funding. Going forward, Live
Health plans to create products that will help physicians and patients make educated

With intelligent digital analysis of blood samples, pathologists' workload is being lessened by
the AI diagnostics startup Sig Tuple. The CEO of Sig Tuple, Rohit Pandey, claims that the
algorithmic analysis performed by the company's AI bots is just as accurate as a pathologist
looking at a tissue sample under a microscope.

Aindra, a Bengaluru-based startup, uses artificial intelligence to screen samples and
determine which ones indicate a higher risk of cervical cancer. Super Craft, a different 3D
printing startup with offices in Singapore and Bengaluru, is creating AI visualization tools to
give medical professionals, hospitals, and researchers a better understanding of human

AI can significantly improve the early detection and prevention of diabetic retinopathy, a
major medical concern that is currently being faced, according to Chander Shekhar Sibal,
Vice President and Head of Fujifilm India's Medical Division. Sibal goes on to say that AI has
the potential to significantly increase radiology's speed and accuracy in India for the early
detection and containment of diseases like HIV and malaria.[1]

4.History of AI

The myths of artificial beings from antiquity have a long history in AI. On the other hand, the
mid-1900s saw the advent of modern AI. At the Dartmouth Conference, the term "artificial
intelligence" was first used in 1956. Early AI was problematic and concentrated mostly on
symbolic reasoning. AI experienced a" AI winter " in the 1980s as a result of unfulfilled
expectations. In the 1990s, machine learning and real-world applications brought the field
back to life. Significant advancements in deep learning, natural language processing, and the
incorporation of AI into diverse industries have been made in recent times.[2]

5.Relevance of the Report

The report is helpful in that it offers a clear and comprehensive view of how AI may be used
to transform the healthcare industry and how its adoption can be prioritized and increased.
The pandemic has taught us the importance of anticipating outbreaks and being wellprepared to handle any kind of medical emergency. The report's consideration of the
industry's current challenges and the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) can be
leveraged to overcome them in order to transform the industry and its whole value chain is
its most significant component.[3]

6.Advantages Of AI In Healthcare

1.Enhanced Diagnostics: AI enables earlier intervention by facilitating faster and more
accurate disease identification.
2. Tailored Treatment Plans: Machine learning maximizes care by customizing treatment
plans to each patient's requirements.
3. Advances in Telemedicine: AI-powered telemedicine improves access to healthcare,
particularly in rural areas.
4. Task Automation: By automating repetitive administrative duties, healthcare personnel
are not as burdened.
5. Data-Driven Insights: AI uses medical data to extract insightful information that supports
evidence-based decision-making.
6. Enhanced Patient Outcomes: Personalized care, early detection, and effective procedures
all lead to better patient outcomes.
7. Effective Resource Allocation: AI optimizes healthcare processes, guaranteeing more
effective resource distribution.
8. Support for Policy Formulation: AI uses data-driven analysis to help with the formulation
of healthcare policies.[4]


In conclusion, the integration of AI has the potential to revolutionize India's healthcare
sector. AI technologies can enhance diagnostics, optimize treatment plans, and improve
patient outcomes. With advancements like predictive analytics and telemedicine, AI can
increase accessibility and efficiency in healthcare delivery. However, challenges such as data
privacy and ethical considerations need careful attention to ensure a responsible and
equitable AI-driven transformation in India's healthcare landscape.


1. Introduction, Inclusion Of AI, Medical AI Solutions available at
https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-133-ai-is-set-to-transform-indiashealthcare-where-is-the-legal-framework.html ( Last visited on 20 November,2023 at 8:02 pm )
2. History of AI available at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_artificial_intelligence ( Last visited on 28
October, 2023 at 9:25 am )
3. Relevance of the Report available at, https://indiaai.gov.in/research-reports/howai-is-transforming-the-future-of-healthcare-in-india ( Last visited on 16 November,
2023 at 7:10 am)
4.Advantages of AI in medical available at
https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/what-is-ai-in-healthcare ( Last visited on 12
November, 2023 at 6:15 pm )
