
Preamble The backbone of the Constitution

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The Preamble reflects the historical context and the ardent aspirations of a post-independence India.

1. Preamble

The Preamble to the Indian constitution is a modest sentence of 76 words [1]. It serves as the introductory statement that outlines the guiding principles and objectives of the Constitution. The Preamble reflects the historical context and the ardent aspirations of a post-independence India. The framers, led by visionaries like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, carefully crafted each word to distill the principles that would guide the nation towards justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. It is a concise and eloquent declaration that encapsulates the essence of the constitutional philosophy. It serves as a guiding light for interpreting the Constitution and reflects the foundational principles that form the basis of the Indian Republic. It articulates the collective vision of the framers and the aspirations of the people of India. The core values enshrined in the Preamble, representing the pillars of the Indian constitutional framework. Justice includes social, economic, and political justice; liberty encompasses various freedoms; equality emphasizes equal status and opportunities, and fraternity aims for a sense of brotherhood among citizens.

2. Historical background

Our preamble has a fascinating history. On December 13, 1946, Pandit Nehru proposed a resolution in the Constituent Assembly regarding 'Objects and Aims. The Drafting Committee made some verbal changes to the resolution on objects and aims, replacing "Sovereign Independent Republic" with "Sovereign Democratic Republic." This alteration was deemed necessary because the term "independent" is generally implied in "sovereign," and substituting "Democratic" instead of "Independent" better describes the nature of the state. While acknowledging India's historical journey from British rule to independence may evoke emotions, the preamble to the constitution is a permanent fixture. Therefore, it was decided that words with only transitional significance should be omitted. The Preamble of a constitution serves as the compass that directs the trajectory of a nation's legal and political journey. In the case of India, the Preamble is not merely an introductory statement; it is the moral and ideological backbone of the Constitution. It encapsulates the spirit and vision of the framers, embodying the collective consciousness of a diverse and dynamic nation. The Preamble succinctly articulates the foundational principles that form the bedrock of the Indian Constitution. The commitment to securing justice social, economic, and political underscores the transformative agenda. Liberty and equality, not just as lofty ideals but as tangible rights for every citizen, are enshrined. The inclusion of fraternity emphasizes the necessity of a united, harmonious society.

3. Interpretative Significance:

Legal luminaries have emphasized the Preamble's interpretative significance. Courts, in rendering judgments, often refer to it as a guiding document to discern the broader intent of the Constitution. The Supreme Court, in the landmark Kesavananda Bharati case, [2] held that the Preamble is an integral part of the Constitution and can be used to decipher its basic structure.

4.Living Document:

The Preamble is not a static relic but a living document that breathes with the evolving consciousness of the nation. Stability does not mean immutability as times change. Social conditions are altered by various factors. It adapts to societal changes and challenges, ensuring its relevance across generations. The amendments to the Constitution by the way Article 368 [3]reflect a collective effort to align the Preamble with contemporary values, ensuring its continued resonance. This again is achieved at two levels, viz. at the hands of the Parliament as well as the Courts.

5. Unity in Diversity:

In a country as diverse as India, the Preamble serves as a unifying force. It transcends regional, linguistic, and cultural boundaries, providing a shared vision that binds the nation together. The commitment to secularism in the Preamble reflects an acknowledgment of India's diverse religious landscape, emphasizing the importance of coexistence. Certainly, the Preamble of a constitution is a crucial document that sets the tone and outlines the fundamental values and aspirations of a nation. In the case of India, a country known for its immense diversity in terms of languages, cultures, religions, and traditions, the Preamble serves as a unifying force.

5.1 Unity in Diversity: India is home to a myriad of languages, ethnicities, and religions. The Preamble emphasizes the idea of "We, the people of India" coming together to constitute a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic. This recognition of diversity within unity is vital for fostering a sense of belonging and national identity among the citizens.

5.2 Secularism as a Core Value: The commitment to secularism in the Preamble is particularly significant in the Indian context. India is a land of multiple religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, and others. The inclusion of secularism underscores the importance of equal treatment of all religions by the state. It ensures that no particular religion is given preference, and all individuals have the right to practice and propagate their faith without fear or favor.

5.3 Coexistence and Tolerance: The Preamble reflects a commitment to justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. These principles are essential for fostering a society where individuals of different backgrounds can coexist peacefully. The emphasis on justice ensures that the law treats everyone fairly, liberty guarantees individual freedoms, equality promotes equal opportunities, and fraternity encourages a sense of brotherhood and solidarity among citizens.

5.4 Constitution as a Living Document: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is dynamic and adapts to the changing needs of society. It provides a framework for governance that can be interpreted and expanded upon over time. This adaptability is crucial for addressing the evolving challenges of a diverse and dynamic nation.

5.5 Legal Framework for Diversity: The Constitution of India, including its Preamble, is not just a symbolic document but the basis for a legal framework that upholds the values of diversity, secularism, and democracy. The various articles in the Constitution elaborate on the rights and duties of citizens, ensuring that the principles outlined in the Preamble are translated into actionable laws.

Articles Related to the Preamble: -

Article 25 - These articles deal with the freedom of religion, emphasizing the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion. [4]

Article 14 - These articles ensure equality before the law and equal protection of laws for all citizens, irrespective of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. [5]

Article 21 - The right to life and personal liberty, which is fundamental to the concept of justice, is protected under this article. [6]

Article 15 - These articles prohibit discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth and ensure equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. [7]

Article 44 -The State shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India, promoting the idea of a common set of laws for all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs. [8]


The conclusion encapsulates the profound role of the Preamble in the Indian Constitution as a living, breathing embodiment of the nation's identity and aspirations. Here's an elaboration: The Preamble stands as more than a mere prelude; it is the very heartbeat of the Indian Constitution, pulsating with the lifeblood of the nation's foundational values. As a constant reminder, it echoes the collective aspirations of the diverse populace and serves as a touchstone for the moral and ethical compass of the nation. In the intricate tapestry of the 21st century, as India navigates through complexities and challenges, the Preamble remains an unwavering source of inspiration. It is a timeless testament to the enduring spirit of a democratic and egalitarian republic, where every citizen is not only entitled to their rights but is also a stakeholder in the nation's progress. As India evolves, the Preamble stands as a beacon, guiding the nation through the uncharted waters of societal, economic, and political change. Its principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity are not static ideals but dynamic forces that propel the nation towards a more just and inclusive future. Undoubtedly, the Preamble is the backbone of the constitutional edifice, providing the essential framework upon which the entire legal structure of the nation rests. It is not a distant preamble but an intrinsic part of the Constitution's soul, influencing the interpretation and application of laws, policies, and governmental actions. The enduring nature of the Preamble lies in its ability to adapt and resonate with the evolving ethos of the nation. It is not confined to the past; instead, it is a living force that shapes the present and guides the future. In essence, the Preamble is the heartbeat that sustains the democratic and egalitarian spirit of the nation, ensuring that as India progresses, it does so with a commitment to justice, inclusivity, and the values that define its constitutional identity.


1. V. Venkata Rao, The Preamble, Vol.12 No. 2 , The Indian Journal of Political science, 2, 1951

2. Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala

3. Constition of India, Art. 368

4. Constitution of india Art. 25

5. Constitution of india Art. 14

6. Constitution of india Art. 21

7. Constitution of india Art. 15

8. Constitution of india Art. 44
